My journey to a healthier me

Tales of my life

A hopeful return to running

It’s almost the middle of March and the snow is FINALLY starting to melt!  I am so looking forward to spring.  I’m tired of the cold and the snow and the ice.  I want warmer temperatures, less layers of clothing, and, most importantly, I want to run outside again!!

I haven’t been running since early January.  I was able to get in a few short runs before we got a bunch of snow and the temperatures really dropped.  I don’t have outdoor winter running gear, so once winter really hit, I decided to take a little break from running.  I did manage to get a few walks in, as the weather permitted.

I tried occupying myself with other things, which sort of worked.  But I found myself really missing running.  I’d read other people’s posts on facebook and twitter about their runs, and I was jealous.  Next winter, I’m definitely getting some new gear!

Anyway, so now the temperatures are getting warmer and the snow is beginning to melt.  I swear I have been hearing my running shoes calling for me to lace ’em up.  I kept telling them “soon”.

Well, today it happened.

I left the office in the early afternoon to find the sun shining and the air fairly warm.  I remember thinking I might need to dig out my sunglasses soon!  As I waited for the bus to take me home, I thought to myself today might be a good day for a run.  I got more and more excited about the idea as I got closer to home.

When I got home, I had to take care of a couple little things.  But as soon as I was done, I changed into running clothes, slipped my lonely running shoes on, and headed out the door!

I was so excited!

I figured it would be a short run, but I didn’t care. I was running!

Oh how I missed it!!

Like I said, I hadn’t been running since January, so my body was a little shocked.  My lungs burned.  My feet were a little sore.  My legs felt tired quickly.  But I didn’t care.

I even ran through a few puddles.  I haven’t done that since I was a kid.  I felt a little giddy.

I didn’t get very far when I started getting a stitch in my side.  Oh my.  The dreaded runners’ stitch.  It felt glorious!

I did my best to run through it, but it forced me to stop more than once.  I decided to head back home.

I had a feeling it would be a short run, but didn’t think it would be that short.  Oh well.  I least I finally got out there.

Despite having to cut my run shorter than I had hoped, it felt so good being out there again.  And hopefully I will be out there again very soon!

Come on, Spring! This runner needs you! This runner needs to get outside again!


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